Barack Obama isn’t even out of office yet and he’s trying to rewrite his own history.
Immediately after Obama assumed office, he launched an international apology tour on behalf of the United States. In retrospect, he should have been apologizing for all the damage he was about to cause for the next eight years.
As president, Obama simply didn’t have the ability to stand up to foreign governments and organizations. Under his rule, the Middle East collapsed and Russia began a new era of aggression. But Obama still seems to believe he’s the one in control.
This week, Obama claimed to have “confronted” Russian President Vladimir Putin over the hacking of the Democratic National Committee. Predictably, Putin didn’t seem very scared by the outgoing president’s threats.
Watch him describe the exchange in the video on the next page:
Lol ya like he d’s his husband.
More lies from our liar in chief !!
Why do you lie?
I’ll bet Vlad is pissing himself because obozo talked mean to him.
Obama doesn’t know what tough is he is a pansy assed pos
look mr. putin we love Russia and their People And we want to be your friend. but you are the little brother and we are The big brother And Together We Can Make Can this world A better Place to Live With Justice And No Spaying One Onother All We Do as A nation is Creat Opportunities For Some Nations So they Can Live In A Democracy And In a Fair Environment
Putin would kick Obama punk ass
All he knows how to do is apologize, appease and bend over.
Tough! I don’t think so, he is very intimidated by Putin, just likes to sound big.
I guess “cut it out” really takes brass balls. Keep kinda guess his are up “somewhere that the sun don’t shine.” Omg. There are no expressions to describe this weakling.