Barack Obama isn’t even out of office yet and he’s trying to rewrite his own history.
Immediately after Obama assumed office, he launched an international apology tour on behalf of the United States. In retrospect, he should have been apologizing for all the damage he was about to cause for the next eight years.
As president, Obama simply didn’t have the ability to stand up to foreign governments and organizations. Under his rule, the Middle East collapsed and Russia began a new era of aggression. But Obama still seems to believe he’s the one in control.
This week, Obama claimed to have “confronted” Russian President Vladimir Putin over the hacking of the Democratic National Committee. Predictably, Putin didn’t seem very scared by the outgoing president’s threats.
Watch him describe the exchange in the video on the next page:
Putin would whoop oblahblah’s$#%&!@*I’m not a putin backer,but still
Obama got real tough on the Ruskies. Late at night he rang the door bell at the Kremlin, then ran away before they could answer.
I’m sure Putin is SO scared!
Yeah sure.. .
Yea right you can’t talk tough to Your wife she will beat your$#%&!@*!!!! You have sugar in your tank !!!
Bozo is on vacation! He’s not doing$#%&!@*to the Russkies the weak punk
Kinda like we wanted to see Trump tell the President of Mexico about the wall and who was paying for it. No, instead Trump folded up like a lawn chair and looked like a shameful puppy that peed on the rug!! LOL! Trump is al, talk and you idiots sold out the GOP and believe his b******t! Dumb asses!
Obama probably get pimp slapped.
Putin has poked obama in the$#%&!@*several times already, and this will be another time!!!
So… you are a Putin fan, this gets more and more interesting as it goes along. Would never dreamed this great country of ours harbored so many treasonous bastards.