Barack Obama isn’t even out of office yet and he’s trying to rewrite his own history.
Immediately after Obama assumed office, he launched an international apology tour on behalf of the United States. In retrospect, he should have been apologizing for all the damage he was about to cause for the next eight years.
As president, Obama simply didn’t have the ability to stand up to foreign governments and organizations. Under his rule, the Middle East collapsed and Russia began a new era of aggression. But Obama still seems to believe he’s the one in control.
This week, Obama claimed to have “confronted” Russian President Vladimir Putin over the hacking of the Democratic National Committee. Predictably, Putin didn’t seem very scared by the outgoing president’s threats.
Watch him describe the exchange in the video on the next page:
He can’t even talk tough to Micheal !!! Lol
Obama won’t even talk tough to his wife !!!!!!!! How can you expect to believe he talked tough to anyone else ?????
Tough!! I’m dying over here, lmao…
Such a good actor, such a bad LIAR!
OBAMA ran from dodge ball as a kid
Like expecting a noodle to stand upright
Yah, me too
Please don’t tattle on Hillary trading uranium for voter fraud! pleaassse, pleassssee WHATEVER JERK
Oh yeah dip stick Obama probably drew a red line on the floor, and then Vlad said FU!!!!