Barack Obama isn’t even out of office yet and he’s trying to rewrite his own history.
Immediately after Obama assumed office, he launched an international apology tour on behalf of the United States. In retrospect, he should have been apologizing for all the damage he was about to cause for the next eight years.
As president, Obama simply didn’t have the ability to stand up to foreign governments and organizations. Under his rule, the Middle East collapsed and Russia began a new era of aggression. But Obama still seems to believe he’s the one in control.
This week, Obama claimed to have “confronted” Russian President Vladimir Putin over the hacking of the Democratic National Committee. Predictably, Putin didn’t seem very scared by the outgoing president’s threats.
Watch him describe the exchange in the video on the next page:
Yeah right…am sure Putin was shaking in his boots…haha
This POS is a JOKE!!!
Yeah right you skinny wrists POS- Putin would wipe the floor with you
Obama only talk tough to people that cannot speak back otherwise he would destroy their lives
The Washington Times – September 10, 2014
Michael Moore: “When the history is written of this era, this is how you’ll be remembered: He was the first black president,” he said. “OK, not a bad accomplishment, but that’s it. That’s it, Mr. Obama. 100 years from now: ‘He was the first black American that got elected president.’ And that’s it. Eight years of your life and that’s what people are going to remember. Boy, I got a feeling, knowing you, that — you’d probably wish you were remembered for a few other things, a few other things you could’ve done. So, it is, on that level, a big disappointment.”
Obama you are an idiot with no power and nobody us listeni g to you assclown. You blew eight years of opportunities to do good. All you accomplished is….ugh….er….ummm…nothing good….goodbye.
He might get really mad and shake his finger at Putin next!
He’d p**s his pants if Putin said BOO!! to him. He’s a little weasel.
If there was nothing incriminating on the wikileaks they would have been irrevalent. However everything was incriminating if their candidate wasnt a carreer criminal they might have won now they are doing further unethical things to try to overturn the election . they think american people are too dumb to remember what they said a month ago
Ha ha yea while bent over mayb.