Mr. Obama seems to be a man desperately searching for a positive legacy. His primary initiative, reforming the way America does healthcare, is a disaster. It turns out that Obamacare is going to be a drag on his legacy, just the opposite of what he wanted. The Middle East is certainly no better off for his policies. Race relations are at a 60 year low, just the opposite of his hope and promise. This list goes on, but the point has been made.
If the reality of the past eight years is too depressing to rehearse, perhaps turning to fantasy will give comfort those who still hold some hope that the Obama years might have a few bright spots.
Mr. Obama has moved from reality to fantasy in search of an accomplishment that was a positive benefit to America. More on this on page two.
He is so full of it. We people out here with any common sense know the difference.
This man is truly delusional. There is something very, very inconsistently…..diabolically………unnaturally………incredibly…….evil about this person. Not a real person……no one could be this insane in front of the whole world and “pull it off”…..?
whoopdedoo…the man supports allowing illegals in, many who are muslim…allowing them such free benefits it is disgraceful. all the attacks inside america that are caused by them, and he doesn’t feel any happened on his watch.
Thats because he is the fukkin terrorist!And all the crazy$#%&!@*thats happened since hes been in office were all false flags to try and take away our rights.J@N20 CANNOT COME SOON ENOUGH!
Was the gay club thing in USA?
Lollipop land
That’s rich coming from a terrorist infiltration !
What? Does he have amnesia or something?