In response to a question posed about the Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado, President Obama made the claim that mass shootings are unique to America. While this isn’t the first time he’s made that claim, it’s the first time he’s made it at a conference in Paris . . . where Islamic State terrorists had just carried out a mass shooting, killing 128 people.
However, in President Obama’s mind, extreme Islam isn’t real and apparently neither was the attack they carried out. As his speech continued, he went on as if America were the only ones fighting terrorism, which is strange considering how he created ISIS and continues to fund terrorism.
This was, of course, all leading to a lecture about gun control. An opportunity to exploit a tragedy or push a liberal agenda in front of thousands of foreigners who really don’t care never goes to waste with our fearless leader. He urged Congress and local governments to make changes to gun laws that would prevent people who were “deranged” or had “violent tendencies” from killing in the United States.
Read more about this on the next page.
In my opinion I think Obama and the Senate democrats are behind all the mass shootings in America in order to promote guns confiscation. Remember Fast and Furious
What a moron. I can’t help but to notice a cocaine smirk on that mug. The door for mass shootings opened up when he took the oath on the Koran.
Evidently he failed in history.
Sandy Creek Massacre
Little Bighorn
Massacre of the Washing
Massacre at Wounded Knee…..etc. He’s been left out of the loop.
did he put his brains in a blender ?
You just can’t fix stupid! On top of being a disgrace he’s a moron and yes you too who voted for this bafoon!
They found their drug. It’s from nightshade plant, the powder extract after processing was street named devils breath. They payed a doctor to discredit this drug, but the Colombian police have over 50k reports of its use in criminal activity. I’m willing to bet pharma made a patented version of it for use in MKultra. It quite possibly can be found in antipsychotic medicines as well. Weren’t those school shootings done by mentally ill people? Coincidence?
He is speaking to the ignorant and progressive Democratic peasants that worship him and follow him and his ilk. Unfortunately they are gaining in numbers.
Truth is only stupid to the ignorant Rahmat Aziz.
What a worthless excuse for a president….