In response to a question posed about the Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado, President Obama made the claim that mass shootings are unique to America. While this isn’t the first time he’s made that claim, it’s the first time he’s made it at a conference in Paris . . . where Islamic State terrorists had just carried out a mass shooting, killing 128 people.
However, in President Obama’s mind, extreme Islam isn’t real and apparently neither was the attack they carried out. As his speech continued, he went on as if America were the only ones fighting terrorism, which is strange considering how he created ISIS and continues to fund terrorism.
This was, of course, all leading to a lecture about gun control. An opportunity to exploit a tragedy or push a liberal agenda in front of thousands of foreigners who really don’t care never goes to waste with our fearless leader. He urged Congress and local governments to make changes to gun laws that would prevent people who were “deranged” or had “violent tendencies” from killing in the United States.
Read more about this on the next page.
in America today a Muslim terrorist could be driving down the street having the Quran in one hand his 6 year old child bride in his lap shooting people screaming allaha acccbar after leaving a mosque going to a church chopping off a Christian’s head and Bill O’Reilly of fox news would say let’s not jump to conclusions this may not be a Muslim terrorist I say wake-up you can’t be a Muslim and follow the words of the Quran Sharia law abd not be a terrorist the Quran tells Muslims to kill Christians and Jews sharia law says to stone people beat women cut peoples hands off and kill guys .just to name a few things now I ask you isn’t that terrorism
Obama just says the dumbest things at the wrong place, at the right time!!! He is so oblivious to reality!
Wait until he sees tomarrows headlines .
An embarrassment to everyone. Oh yea, we have had more mass shootings on your watch than ever before. Just saying.
THis is Obama’s Fault. IF OBAMA was a true American, a true American President, he would have been stopping these attacks instead of providing aid to the Islamic Terrorist world Wide. How Can ALL of the American people not see what is going on. REMOVE OBAMA NOW! Arrest him for the Crimes. Treason, Murder, Bribery, Genocide, Fraud, Defrauding The US Government. ITS TIME TO ACT PEOPLE, Since the FBI have not Opened a File On OBAMA, started to investigate all these crimes he has committed in the name of the UNITED STATES, This would be the Perfect time for the FBI to Arrest the Commander of Terrorest. Obama has provide Weapons, Billions in Dollars in aid to assist these Islamic Terrorist. Instead we have a so called man in the white house that does nothing to stop the terrorist, he is more involved to denie the Freedom of Americans, Releasing all the thousands of new Federal Regulations that do nothing more then hurt the American People. If Obama is a Real US President, why is he releasing the enemy from Cuba? A REAL PRESIDENT would not go to other countries and talk about how bad Americans are, each and everytime he leaves the US he does this. A REAL PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA would have been spending all his time and effort to protect the AMERICAN PEOPLE, not working so dang hard to cause harm to all of American People. Climate change is his newest effort to cause great harm against the American people. WAKE UP AND SEE WHATS HAPPENING, Stop the “lives matter” C**p, all lives matter, and if you dont believe me, just think about what a member of ISIS will do when he walks into a room filled with Americans of all Colored skins. They dont care, they will kill you no matter what color you are. Its Time to stand together.
i think he’s the lunatic fringe, honest he’s borderline.
That’s a gross misinterpretation
Of what he said. He said they don’t happen with the frequency that they happen here. That’s true. We’ve had 355 mass shootings this year
( over 4 dead). That’s more than one a day.
He is nuts
Uh huh…and of course he has nothing to do with these shootings although he incited violence in Ferguson and elsewhere and hatred towards the police.
Obama forgot quickly about Paris and Norway