The Obama administration is doing its best to allow as many illegal immigrants into the United States as it possibly can before Barack leaves office next year. And even though there has been a federal court injunction on the issue, Obama plans to completely circumvent the judge’s orders.
Par for the course.
Find out how Obama is going to let in more illegal immigrants on page 2.
Trump/Zimmerman 2016
Love to see him try this. This is unambiguous…would bring him down!
he should not get paid.
This isn’t a King this is a POS low life Black$#%&!@*scumbag with his$#%&!@*s follow History it repeats it’s self. Filthy$#%&!@*
Arrest, try, and execute for treason
Can’t let him do this !!
were in hell congress
Donald Trump For President
Arrest for treason Simple