Obama has picked San Antonio mayor Julian Castro as the new Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, but he might as well have picked Raul Castro in looking at the plans underway to fundamentally transform American neighborhoods and suburbs.
The social engineering scheme was first proposed back in 2013 by then-Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan. It was finalized last month with the Supreme Court’s 5-to-4 decision on Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project, Inc.
Every branch of government seems to be itching to help Obama with his fundamental transformation of America.
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Welcome to OBAMAS HOOD!!!
How long before Obama surrenders GITMO to Castro?
Brotherhood Agenda
Start with yours
A change is coming. And we will see who Obama and the bride of Obama has for neighbors.
Here it comes. The begining of the end.
You are doing this deliberately to anger the American people yes let’s have the supreme courts weigh in on this too and a cuban to decide where to place black people and Pakistanis , Palestinians, Syrians, Iranians, all people from Mid East ! Start with The elite people from Hollywood, then move on to gated communities where all of Congress lives they should like that !!
not gonna happen, he can’t stop good neighborhoods from moving. also blacks like the “hoods”, that is why they live there! O and c can get lost!
Two America haters !!!!
Castro???? A Communist dictator from another country? I ask again….why the heck is Obama still in office?