Obama has picked San Antonio mayor Julian Castro as the new Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, but he might as well have picked Raul Castro in looking at the plans underway to fundamentally transform American neighborhoods and suburbs.
The social engineering scheme was first proposed back in 2013 by then-Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan. It was finalized last month with the Supreme Court’s 5-to-4 decision on Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project, Inc.
Every branch of government seems to be itching to help Obama with his fundamental transformation of America.
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do you really think so
TRUTH : Obama is a Egomaniacal, anti-CHRIST, anti-WHITE, anti-AMERICA, antic-Semitic, anti-Cop, PRO-COLONIALISM, PRO-ISLAM JIHADIST.
Islam is SEDITIOUS (insubordination, insurrection, mutiny, treason, agitation, defiance, disobedience , dissent, insurgence, insurgency, revolt, revolution and uprising) against every nation and government on earth. Islam demands that all muslims work to overthrow all nations, governments and non-sharia laws.
Colonialism is the establishment, exploitation, maintenance, acquisition, and expansion of colony in one territory by a political power from another territory.
So they will take Ethiopians, blacks , muslIns, on welfare and give them free homes in Iike Clintons neighborhood And next to Biden’s house and homes paid fir by taxpayers????? Racism up and down. Violation in civil rights.
Castro is “re-engineering ” is own home in San Antonio? How about Hillary’s neighborhood? Biden? Reid? Pelosi? Boxer? Feinstein? His mother in San Antonio? Obama?
a muslim or welfare or thug welfare skum can move next door in an all white neighbor hood; they will pay for their house and your real estate value drops 1/3 or more. Bo is a pos and all the dems who voted for this, aren`t you happy !!!!!!!!!!!!
True dat
the pos ia already distributing them all over the USA. I have noticed them around here.
We will not accept it stick your nose in your own business.
you see his right hand man? another minority in the black house.
Re-Engineer me a 3 br house with 3 bathrooms and a 12 car garage on 3 acres of land and I will think about moving. And you pay the bills. 😀