In the video below, you can watch this scene unfold, along with President Obama’s dignity. The fact that he agrees with Castro on issues like education and healthcare should be a frightening prospect in itself.
While the President’s attempt to mend America’s relationship with Cuba is commendable, Castro is a sly devil, who on more than once occasion has laughed at America’s expense, and will most-likely be doing so again in the near future.
Maybe Obama has learned HIS Human Rights from his pals the dictatorial Communist government of Cuba, but the free people of the United States have rejected HIS ideas of Human Rights and his legacy along with them. ONLY an imbecilic Liberal stooge would buy any of Obama’s statement on Cuban human rights! LOLOLOL
He embarrassed this country with his pandering again. Notice in the pictures Raul stopped this POS from putting his hand on his shoulder by grabbing his arm and pushing it up and away. Nuff said.
just be gone.
Not you Obama we don’t learn nothing from them go learn yourself and stay away from us.
More black s**t