President Barack Obama is about to exit the Oval Office, but he’s not done throwing insults toward Donald Trump and his supporters.
Barack Obama can’t seem to decide why the Democrats lost. In just one week, he has gone back-and-forth several times. First, he blamed Hillary Clinton, claiming that, if he were running, he would have won. Then he seemed to blame the Russians for hacking John Podesta’s emails, so he sanctioned them and kicked out several of their bureaucratic staff. Now, he’s saying that white people are simply too racist to vote for Democrats.
In an interview with David Axelrod, Obama appeared to suggest that the only way to win southern white voters is appealing to their racism, something the president seems unwilling to do. According to the Obama, appealing to these voters would betray his commitment to civil rights.
Watch him make the stunning statement in the video on the next page:
Lock him up.
Hey dumb$#%&!@*, it was all of America that voted against you and Hitlery
another one sick in the head
Shut your ugly mouth.
He is discriminating against them which is no better than discriminating against other groups. Such a hypocrite and he has never shown US an original birth certificate to prove he ever had any qualifications other than a bunch of politically correct people overly anxious to get someone with brown skin in there without checking his highly sketchy past with Muslim, Socialist, Alinsky, Bill Ayer and Reverend Wright associations. The company you keep…
Sounds to me like you are the racist!
Your the racist no good traitor
Southern white voters aren’t going to vote for anyone who is against our God and our Country!!!