President Barack Obama is about to exit the Oval Office, but he’s not done throwing insults toward Donald Trump and his supporters.
Barack Obama can’t seem to decide why the Democrats lost. In just one week, he has gone back-and-forth several times. First, he blamed Hillary Clinton, claiming that, if he were running, he would have won. Then he seemed to blame the Russians for hacking John Podesta’s emails, so he sanctioned them and kicked out several of their bureaucratic staff. Now, he’s saying that white people are simply too racist to vote for Democrats.
In an interview with David Axelrod, Obama appeared to suggest that the only way to win southern white voters is appealing to their racism, something the president seems unwilling to do. According to the Obama, appealing to these voters would betray his commitment to civil rights.
Watch him make the stunning statement in the video on the next page:
The buffoon Onnozenuts is a adolescent pile of dog dung that has proven his incompetence…
This from the clueless Jackass in chief!!
We are only racist against YOU dickhead
What a$#%&!@*
Just go away, we are sick of you. You belong in jail.
excuse me u Muslim pedaphal we the people will be coming for u & hillary
Southern white voters are sick of Obama and his trying to split our country.
Bullcrap bush jr and chaney
you obummer are the big racist and u have proven it time and time again and have made race relations worse than they have been in 60 years.