Barack Obama thinks Hillary Clinton lost because Democrats have a strong civil rights record, and that southern whites are too racist to accept it.
Here’s what he said to his former senior advisor, David Axelrod:
…part of the challenge for Democrats and progressives generally is that we cannot compete in rural areas, in rural states, if we can’t find some way to break through what is a complicated history in the south and start winning races there and winning back southern white voters without betraying out commitment to civil rights and diversity… then we can win elections.
Barack Obama might be right. There is a race reason why southern whites won’t vote Democrat — but it has nothing to do with civil rights. Instead, it’s probably because Obama and his party can’t stop insulting southern white people. If anyone is racist — it’s the Democrats, not the south.
Listen to him make the statement in the video below.
I’m southern and none of those things. I can’t wait for this trouble maker to be gone.
Why don’t you just go away$#%&!@* Please do something for your country!
This antiAmerican Muslim traitor is the US worst terrorist.
LOL!!! You, Obama are the racist
I look comparing this evil racist with Allen West, Herman Cain and Clark. He sure comes up on the short end. Glad I do not judge by color, or I would miss hearing a great man like Dr. Carson.
Obama is a total waste of a human being Good riddance May life treat you after office the way you treat and feel about Americans. Karma hope it hits him really hard .