Barack Obama’s failure to close the racial divide in the United States has gone down as one of his most glaring broken promises — among many.
While he campaigned as a uniter, his presidency oversaw the most dramatic collapse in race relations in decades. Now that the tension has turned into violence, people are beginning to confront the president for his role in the collapse.
In particular, many have accused the president of being biased toward members of his own race when stories broke involving both law enforcement and African Americans.
When representatives of several police groups took this criticism straight to Obama, he responded defensively, then claimed that it was their “institutional racism” that has caused the problem, not his failed leadership.
Unsurprisingly, all of this information comes from our infamously loose-lipped vice president, Joe Biden.
See how Joe Biden claimed Barack Obama attempted to muffle the officer’s opinion on the next page:
So glad when Obama is gone
He actually caused it to go from a stream to an ocean…he is the biggest moron ever elected pres but there is a bigger moron standing next to him.
So glad this traitor is on his way out in a few days.
Yes law and order…when we are army or police do we not fight for the same? Do we not want the same? Have we come so far to have inter-racial marriages and children from these marriages we are no longer people who want peace but only power greed and confrontation to sub due the whites who are not only wanting peace but not fighting for power just to live in a Christian faith and help fellowman…why does Obama keep saying cops are racist I know blacks who are racist all day long…but to preach hate from the podium to instill hate to the very PEOPLE who keep peace and order and protect…
We hate you!! You are the worst person ever to be elected president! You incite racism throughout our country..not yours! You were a foreign student coming to America for education. You have a social security number from a state you never lived in. You fired generals who told you about threats of terrorism by isis…and so much more!! We hate you not because you are black (which I’m not certain that you actually are) but, because everything you have said and done that put us at risk as a nation! I don’t think we will know the full extent of your treasonous, illegal acts against AMERICA until you are long gone, but when it finally is revealed……..
We’re tired of you, organ grinder obama and your monkey.
It will be good to see him go!