During his visit to the Islamic Society of Baltimore on Wednesday morning, President Obama decided to weigh in on the issue of diversity in Hollywood by calling for more American television shows to feature Muslim characters, and not as terrorists. He stated that American television shows need to include “better representations of the Muslim community.” He’s no doubt referring to the way that American television shows and movies feature Muslims driving acts of terrorism.
Like everything else the media portrays, what they show on television is a product of the times. Muslims are featured as terrorists because, well, when’s the last time a white person blew up a building or committed an atrocious act in the name of Allah. If anything, this should prove a point. American television shows and films like Platoon, Rambo, or anything in the Die Hard franchise featured Russians. The media portrays enemies as people feared by Americans, which is strange seeing how most Hollywood executives are liberal.
Read more about Hollywood diversity on the next page.
Where in hell are they going to find them ?
You mean like rapists, molesters, that sorta thing ?
Can this Stupid Fuk stop talking about muslims….. That’s all Obama talks about… Put a business man in the White House so we can get business done in America…. We’re not in a Muslim country Obama .
Screw this sob whos gonna do this what dumbass would do this there other things to watch besides this stupid s**t
Like this ????
Obama needs to STHU
not his call, give it up and leave
Back off Obama. I definately will not watch them. Period.
More support for the muslims by the “Muslim traitor in the whitehouse”. Since when does the president comment on what is on TV, His agenda is apparent and it is not for the american people.