Speaking at a fundraiser, Obama proclaimed a “New Order” is needed, based on “Common Humanity” and “economies that work for all people”.
Naturally, that is code for Communism; a world without rules for the elite and with a police state to control and severely limit the lifestyle for the rest of us.
Obama’s statement:
“People are anxious. Now, some of that has to do with some big challenges overseas,” said Obama, adding, “But whether people see what’s happening in Ukraine, and Russia’s aggression towards its neighbors in the manner in which it’s financing and arming separatists; to what’s happened in Syria … to the failure in Iraq for Sunni and Shia and Kurd to compromise … to what’s happening in Israel and Gaza….”
That’s the face of a … man? … no … male … that betrayed mankind. Something are not for sale … but his is.
Global Marxists communist socialism. Control by Islam. Thats what obama and global communist want. Its total anti american and anti democracy .
and I call for his death, so…
it’s nmot going to happpen anyway’s though it has ben a total failure
Here it comes and this has been in the works for a lot of years ( the new world order ) the extremely powerful and filthy rich that will thin out the population and use ther ones left behind for there own personal gain . Check it out N.W.O.
$#%&!@* all over again.
Would that be socialism or communism?
Cause if it’s the former? Better not tell the Canadians.
His quest to become the Supreme Commander of the Universe
Screw u man !
Now you know ‘what’ a true Global Communist looks like ! IF America falls, it will be a cinch, to take over all other countries. America is 50% there now! Always, always beware of the “enemy within”; I guess the Socialists democrats don’t know this (?)