Barack Obama is, if nothing else, the most arrogant president that we have ever had. He believes that if he declares it, it must be so.
And why not, since the main stream media is willing to play along and continue to promote the complete charade that Obama is really, really smart, and really, really capable. There is a good reason why his Harvard transcripts were never released, and it certainly has nothing to do with invading his privacy.
Obama interjected himself into the presidential race like no other president ever has. It was seen as impolite and unpresidential to do so in the past, but that has never stopped Obama before, so it seems we should not be surprised. But his assessment of Donald Trump went well beyond criticism and is a blatant character assassination. It raises the question of how Obama will react if Trump is actually elected. His assessment is that Trump is actually “unfit” to be president, and the question becomes whether Trump’s election would cause Obama to take some “corrective” action, such as a political coup to deny the transition of power. Obama’s ego is such that this scenario is not as far-fetched as it might seem.
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BO will have a while lot of ORDINARY CITIZENS come and haul him out by the nose if he doesn’t get out…this is EXACTLY what he has planned from day 1…where is John W. Booth when we need him?
You may want to stay away from the word unfit
You were the most unfit person to be President there ever was
it is not his to accept or deny – just begone on 1-20-2017
Impeach Obama now!
America does. And that is what counts.. go to his next job and leave America alone….He had his eight yrs!
After such radical islamic terrorism on 9/11, and we threatened to sue Saudia Arabia for it all, naturally, they had to protect their own muslim brotherhood and those financial interests, having chosen this foreign agent, citizen of Kenya, an illegitimate child, whose father never married his WHITE AMERICAN mother, in that extreme hatred and racism for America and such Christianity; that fact, he had been raised by his muslim father to age 18 , was gay and already radicalized, having sworn allegience to their muslim brotherhood, Islam, the quran and allah, and for the fact, he’d NEVER BECOME AN AMERICAN CITIZEN TO LEGALLY BE PRESIDENT OF THIS U.S. AT ALL! Why they paid billions for a f**e birth certificate, for his so-called Harvard schooling and law degree, senate seat, campaign for president, election, right into the presidency and white house by 2008! When his only priorities was in filling keyspots of government with their muslim brotherhood, in dividing and draining America dry of all its resources, and blocking such victims’ families of 9/11 from ever filing lawsuits and receiving restitution from Saudia Arabia from 2008 to 2016! Why he refuses to give it up to Trump!
obama does not have any respect for anyone he is like satan only into hisself,when i look at his eyes i see so much evil,it is his fault so many police have lost their lifes
Obama just go away.
Better than a Muslim.