Barack Obama is, if nothing else, the most arrogant president that we have ever had. He believes that if he declares it, it must be so.
And why not, since the main stream media is willing to play along and continue to promote the complete charade that Obama is really, really smart, and really, really capable. There is a good reason why his Harvard transcripts were never released, and it certainly has nothing to do with invading his privacy.
Obama interjected himself into the presidential race like no other president ever has. It was seen as impolite and unpresidential to do so in the past, but that has never stopped Obama before, so it seems we should not be surprised. But his assessment of Donald Trump went well beyond criticism and is a blatant character assassination. It raises the question of how Obama will react if Trump is actually elected. His assessment is that Trump is actually “unfit” to be president, and the question becomes whether Trump’s election would cause Obama to take some “corrective” action, such as a political coup to deny the transition of power. Obama’s ego is such that this scenario is not as far-fetched as it might seem.
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Stupid click bait!
Barry, pack your bags, leave the White House and do the Clinton money grubbing thing.
OBOMMER is the one UNFIT !!!!!
This is the same guy who repealed habeas corpus and made it legal to indefinitely imprison Americans without a trial and without due process. The same guy who got Americans killed with his immigration and refugee policies. The same guy that sold guns to Mexican cartels that ended up killing border patrol agent. Same guy who used the IRS to target conservatives. Same guy who used his pen and his phone to push policies that were not good for Americans and cost us trillions of dollars. He turned his back on the Israel. His foreign policy has been atrocious. His lead from behind while ISIS grew into every country. How he underestimated them as the JV team. How he killed Qaddafi and destabilized the region causing the flooding of refugees into Europe and the US. He’s been terrible for the US. Good riddance!
O who did this ??? Killery and obama
Untruth and inaction
Doesn’t matter, according to the Constitution….
Wishful thinking again, huh Obama??? That doesn’t work anymore, does it? So pack up your saddle and head for the barn,where you belong!!!!
You are the one that was and is “Unfit”
And how the he’ll doses he think he is