Barack Obama is, if nothing else, the most arrogant president that we have ever had. He believes that if he declares it, it must be so.
And why not, since the main stream media is willing to play along and continue to promote the complete charade that Obama is really, really smart, and really, really capable. There is a good reason why his Harvard transcripts were never released, and it certainly has nothing to do with invading his privacy.
Obama interjected himself into the presidential race like no other president ever has. It was seen as impolite and unpresidential to do so in the past, but that has never stopped Obama before, so it seems we should not be surprised. But his assessment of Donald Trump went well beyond criticism and is a blatant character assassination. It raises the question of how Obama will react if Trump is actually elected. His assessment is that Trump is actually “unfit” to be president, and the question becomes whether Trump’s election would cause Obama to take some “corrective” action, such as a political coup to deny the transition of power. Obama’s ego is such that this scenario is not as far-fetched as it might seem.
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watch out what he says…is that his hint of marshal law??
Stop doing drugs, you are a joke to the world, no one respects the US other then your Muslim friends, Israel, china, North Korea, Russian, the Philippines, Iran suckered you into a one side agreement, isis, go back to Kenya and run for president
You gone your the one who not fit never was
He won’t accept Trump’s election? What drugs is this mutt doing?
He needs to look in the mirror,he is so crooked…..seems he won’t release his Harvard credentials because there personal, but he complains abt Trumps taxes….wake up people
The audacity of a jerk
Like you to make such a comment. You are not Presidential. Deal with it.
Curious George just go away.
Not Hawaii, you mean Kenya.
Impeach him…try him for aiding and abetting the enemy ISIS!
barry is a disillusioned idiot.