For Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and almost everyone else on the left in America, terrorism is not the problem. Guns are the problem.
The only time that guns are not the problem is when a shooter is a white Christian male. Then white Christian males are the problem. But usually, for liberals, it is a combination of both.
Following Sunday’s terrorist attack by an Islamic extremist on a gay nightclub in Orlando, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was quick to point out the true culprit behind the attack — “the Christian right.” Yes, according to the ACLU, this Islamic terrorist who pledged his allegiance to ISIS was taking his cues from the “anti-queer climate” created by Republicans.
Tuesday, President Obama took to the podium to — yet again — blame guns for Sunday’s attack. In his speech, the president again failed to make any mention of the shooter’s ideology or motive.
To watch the video of Obama’s renewed call to shred the Second Amendment and read more about who the president truly blames, continue on the next page:
Shut the$#%&!@*UP, $#%&!@*
Come on and try it,just knock and I’ll give you an answer.
Well considering none of my weapons are named assault weapon then my AK and AR as well as my other 8 or so long guns are ok . You jack wagon assault is an action so go$#%&!@*youself
Executive ? You mean illegal not going thru due process to put a law you want in place. Actually you belong in a prison cell$#%&!@*
bible says not to wish and rush you time living,,, but ead of this year cant come soon enough for that bastard to leave office,,,all the idots that voted for obama,,, hope yal are happy with this p.o.s.,,,,
The American Identity: read and get Understanding !!!
Amendment 1: Freedom of Religion:
Hear yea…Hear yea !!!
Question: Did our Christian Forefathers intend to allow “World Religions” to invade America ? God for Bid the absurdity of the thought!
One can see-It’s all in the matter of how one defines “religion”: America was founded on Judeo -Christian principles or virtues ( Old and New Testament). Mostly Protestants who were fleeing the King of England ( Anglican Church) and Roman Catholicism ( The Papacy)
Know: The Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791. The word “religion” at that time was defined as a denominational worship of Jesus Christ. Each of the Denominations referred to the other denomination at times as a “CULT” for perverting the doctrines of Jesus Christ.
For example: a Baptist would disagree with a Methodist or a Fundamentalist and definitely a
Roman Catholic with a Lutheran…etc !
One just needs to ask as a Test: Way back in 1791 if someone told you Ole Joe Smuckatelli got Religion…one would not respond with…Oh he is a Buddhist… a Hindu…or a Islamic Muslim? No thats absurd, everybody would have known what you meant… that he had been saved by Jesus Christ and was now a Christian that believed in The Bible. It would have been a common understanding !!!
The founding fathers did not believe in “forced faith”… “for forced faith is no faith.” Yet through common grace they believed that in the Town-Square there would be such a “Divine Persuasion” of Christianity that it would “proselytize” the non-believers and migrants coming to the shores of America. They were all welcome to assimilate to the Divine Persuasion of Christianity in every state in the union… it was a Loving concept of “proselytizing” the world by bringing the” lost souls” to us or the USA. The Shining City Upon a Hill welcomes all.
If someone chose not to believe they would be considered an outcast; so the sincere and loving hope was one would except Jesus Christ as Savior and become an American Citizen and Patriot and not remain an outcast. America was a melting pot into Christianity !!!
Now a “World Religion” is much different. A world religion parallels itself with the ideology and political force of a nation ( Theocratic) Example: Islam for Arab Muslims; Hinduism for India and Buddhism for the Japanese and Taoism for the Chinese; Atheistic Communism for Russia; Fascism for Italy; Nazism for Germany… etc !!
Now please use the absurd argument here:
If our Founding Fathers intent was “freedom of religion” in that it included a World Religion or Political Force …well Joseph Stalin and Adolf$#%&!@*could have declared Communism and Nazism along with Mussolini and Fascism as a “religion” a long time ago and could have invaded America claiming “freedom of religion” as their right to take over and Americans would be bound by the Bill of Rights to just stand by as helpless victims of their own “strategy of safety” found in the Constitution. One of a Cogent mind can obviously discern this concept as being absurd and incorrect in intent.
Now consider this known fact:
Patrick Henry
Ratifier of the U.S. Constitution
“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”
Now Somebody needs to say it:
Islam is a WORLD RELIGION therefore a Political and Fanatical Force and eradicating this evil philosophy from America should not be a major concern. Islam is not part of the American fabric of our Judeo-Christian bedrock beliefs America was originally founded on; no matter what Obama says to the contrary.
Islam is NOT PART of the Original American fabric and to think so or teach so is simply Delusional !!!
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Originally to be an American; meant being a Born Again Christian that knew how to Rightly Divide The Word of Truth…IncludingThe Old and New Testaments and understanding throughly the Divine Providence of America…for The Glory of God and all the poor wretched souls in need of Salvation by Blood of The Lord Jesus Christ. Amen !!!
May this writing be a Blessing to all my fellow Americans in gaining the Truth about Americas Godly Heritage !!!
Edward Lee Gilliam
Isaiah 54:17
This country has no congress or senate anymore. Only punks that do what$#%&!@*boy tells them to do.
He will try to start another civil war before he is out of office
You know… Since criminals follow the laws and$#%&!@*. What a fucking moron!