President Obama has proven time and time again that he does not subscribe to representational Democracy, nor the advise and consent process called for in the Constitution that lays out a system of checks and balances, with the executive, the legislative and the judicial arms of the government being equal and all three arms being necessary to establish law and policy.
One of the best examples is how Obama has declared that he has a “phone and a pen,” and intends to ignore Congress on critical decision making like immigration law and opening up the borders to illegal aliens over the objection of both Congress and the majority of the U.S. population. It is as if Obama thinks he is a monarch and answers to no one but himself (and perhaps to George Soros, Valerie Jarret, and Michelle Obama).
The abuse is obvious, but a new study shows just how bad the problem is. And it flies in the face of promises and Congressional requirements the administration already admitted it was abusing. It is not only enraging, it is also dangerous because it threatens the balance of power and the structure upon which our republic is based. And no one should be surprised when a Republican administration abuses the process in equal measure when they next attain the White House.
See number of rules bypassing Congressional oversight, page 2:
We will wipe are$#%&!@*on them when he goes bye bye
This man needs to be indicted for treason against America !!
Which will all be done away with January 20.
He should get the same treatment that Benedict Arnold got.
I must have the wrong information as I thought that Congress controlled the purse strings and if they do they have been on vacation for 8 years. God Bless Donald Trump. Tom Semper Fi
the$#%&!@*has been bypassing congress for 8 yrs!!!! & ya know what congress has done bout that….NOTHING!!!
But what’s really behind it what the hell is he doing this for every president ends up riches they want to be he’ll probably get seven to 10 million just from writing a book speaking engagements it can’t be about money what is it really for why does he want to destroy us
All will be abolished as soon as Trump takes office. Except for the painful last 8 years, it will be like Obumer was never there….
What is wrong with congress? Obama is wrong and you pathetic seat holders are the biggest joke ever. No balls to stand up for what’s right. We need a whole new set of congressmen who actually want to do what they are appointed to do. You want more pay. NOT