Even before the flood of Middle Eastern and North African refugees into the European continent, most countries there were already in poor shape. Despite numerous bailouts from the rest of the European Union (EU), Greece continues to refuse to abide by the austerity measures proposed by the more financially responsible countries — such as Germany — implemented as a condition of those bailouts. Greece continues to pay out lavish pensions to its young retirees despite not having the financial standing to do so. Over one-quarter of working-age Greeks are unemployed — over 51% of young Greeks remain jobless. Greece is not the only country in dire straits.
Spain, Italy, and Portugal are all in awful economic shape as well. Spain’s unemployment rate is nearly as high as Greece (23%), and Italy (12%) and Portugal (13%) aren’t doing well either. For all of these reasons — and more — the United Kingdom is strongly considering leaving the troubled European Union. President Obama is currently visiting Great Britain and took a pause from lecturing them about their possible departure from the EU to brag about how he has saved the world economy. To read about President Obama’s proclamation and its incongruence with reality in Europe, continue reading on the next page:
Lol, we’ll hang on to your wallet. The day of reckoning for Obama and his supporters stupidity is coming. Your 401k will be its victim.
He plays with him self.
He couldn’t save a rubber duck from drowning
FACTS: the actual unemployment rate is closer to 12%. Btw, you can’t have 93 million people out of the workforce and 5% unemployment rate at the same time. Virtually all of the job growth has been by illegal aliens. We are experiencing the slowest economic recovery since WW2. Obamacare is crippling our health care system with some of the biggest providers and insurers facing bankruptcy. A few more are insured but far more are being crushed under huge cost increases. Our national debt increase under Obama is untenable. The racial divide has exploded under Obama while our standing in the world has been reduced to a laughing stock. I could go on and on with real facts but I doubt that Salvatore Cares about facts.
He’s a mental case. One of the worst ever to hold office, and this guy wants to be the next U.N. Secretary.
Dream.on mf.
Impeach Obama now