Obama is about to expedite immigrating 100,000 Haitians into the US in order to be ‘reunited with their families’ (and vote Democratic).
All of these Haitians will allowed to immigrate into the U.S. without a visa.
Obama just keeps getting more unconstrained with his efforts to flood this country with immigrants. How long till the Republican party is nullified by sheer lack of numbers?
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obummer has to go while we still have a small piece of our country lift
The ones here already thinks they own America. “NO” All he wants is more votes for the dem., get it! Is everybody in the government “Cowards” can they stop him??? More “freebies” to give away.
hell no do not let obama bring any more trash into america put a stop to the murdering muslim terrorist leader
This has to stop
just shows you how far the obama adminastration will go to take over the usa.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is a Demon and needs to be sent back to Hell along with his wife and cronies.
How much more is America gonna let this crook get away with. He needs to be stopped…
This president is nut need to be put in a nut house or slow boat to China Maybe they will take him in .
i hope they move next door to him
obama is a country destroying pos