Obama is about to expedite immigrating 100,000 Haitians into the US in order to be ‘reunited with their families’ (and vote Democratic).
All of these Haitians will allowed to immigrate into the U.S. without a visa.
Obama just keeps getting more unconstrained with his efforts to flood this country with immigrants. How long till the Republican party is nullified by sheer lack of numbers?
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He needs to be stopped.
Doing eveything he can to make the USA a third world country…
Epic failure!!!
how many of my friends who like Obama find this okay? We can’t feed the ones we have and he keeps coming up with more ways to break this country.
why is EVERY ONE scared of this nut
Impeach the mother, he loves illegals, because he is one, he is not a legal sitting president, he wasn’t born in this country and he wasn’t raised in this country, and how the hell did he get a Connecticut Social Security Number, he never lived there, he is a Imposter, open up his records, now !!!!!!
Time for him to go.
Kenyans and all his African relatives next, hold it, Ebola is here, so mission accomplished,,,,,,,,,,,,,all his bros and family, gonna vacation in HAWAII, his birthplace, yea right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for tax payers to keep up
Bla, Bla, Bla