Obama is about to expedite immigrating 100,000 Haitians into the US in order to be ‘reunited with their families’ (and vote Democratic).
All of these Haitians will allowed to immigrate into the U.S. without a visa.
Obama just keeps getting more unconstrained with his efforts to flood this country with immigrants. How long till the Republican party is nullified by sheer lack of numbers?
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He is trying to replace all the folks who have turned to other parties because of him
deport all muslims and illegals
To people who voted this man into our highest position: What were you thinking!?
would someone go throw his butt out of our white house, why are we putting up with his c**p???
This is ILLEGAL so get off your rear ends and arrest him for treason.
He’s just so cute! Big tooth smile, twinkle in his eye…not much in his head though. Oh sure, he could pass tests but he can’t walk the talk. Supreme cover up supporter…that’s somthin ‘eh?
This sick creep is trying to administer immigration policy from the oval office. 🙁
We need to put a stop to this man once and for all! How much more can this country take?
If this were the old west–he would be run out on a rail!!!