Obama is about to expedite immigrating 100,000 Haitians into the US in order to be ‘reunited with their families’ (and vote Democratic).
All of these Haitians will allowed to immigrate into the U.S. without a visa.
Obama just keeps getting more unconstrained with his efforts to flood this country with immigrants. How long till the Republican party is nullified by sheer lack of numbers?
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NO more JOBS in America, all will go yo illegals .This is what Democrats want. Vote Republican!!!!!!
Great, they will bring in a whole new wave of diseases. Thank you obama.
How about sending their families BACK to Haiti If they want to be reunited with them ! They can take ovomit and the mooch with them !
We need to put s stop to his illegal actions now
Prisoners of war Reply in your Heart.
God and Jesus, Mary, Moses, Ezra and all other Prophets hate you if you are not true Muslim, (Don’t relate Pseudo Muslims with Holy Quran.) You all people of the world follow the Holy Quran And Remember Dead mankind is non Communicable, Dad or God can only be one.
If you call Dead personalities or anything else Along with God that Means you are nonbeliever, if you don’t agree with me, then if anyone of us will be found liar on the day of judgment will Take other’s whole Nation’s sin, do you agree? You can be agree in your heart either. By the medical science and by the all Holy Books Pseudo Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, atheists and all Other people are mentally Under Arrest because they Don’t swear for their believes.
(O Prisoners of Heart agree with me in your Heart for your Freedom)
Where is Congress ??????
Everybody needs to get a life and quit worrying about this dumb ass n***a,he can’t run next election antway.There are damn sure more important thing to worry about than what his dumb ass and his monkey ass family are doing.We need to focus on more iimportant things that happening here in the U.S.A
What a TRAITER !!!!!