Obama is about to expedite immigrating 100,000 Haitians into the US in order to be ‘reunited with their families’ (and vote Democratic).
All of these Haitians will allowed to immigrate into the U.S. without a visa.
Obama just keeps getting more unconstrained with his efforts to flood this country with immigrants. How long till the Republican party is nullified by sheer lack of numbers?
To Read More Click The Link Below:
Get him out of the White House and the our Country NO!!
Where is congress?
to those of you, who know what’s going on in the world,do you know why your numbers are so low. well I am going to tell you why,patriots and Christians and believers in God and Jesus, have one thing in common, you are a small unique group of individuals who are not undermine control,you are free thinkers, that is our common bond, everyone of us on these patriot groups, and these Christian sites shared this one thing, that’s why in most ways we all agree on the problems in our country, and in the world, this is why you will be attacked some of the sites, and this is why the attack we are ideology, and your beliefs, you are free minded individuals, and that is your bond with all the other free thinking people.this is what separates you from the Communist thinkers, the Communist thinkers no longer think for themselves, and they are afraid to !
What a violation of his authority. I agree with Raymond Trautman, WHERE IS CONGRESS.?
He needs to be stopped this imposter/traitor of America!!
Its time for him to be put DOWN like the mad-dog that he is.
Seems to me This is another Case of Lawlessness!
that is such an ugly donkey assed grin but then what do you expect from a donkey?????
Did you ever see a DEVIL smile?
Stop his un American ass.