The Obama administration has had its share of firsts and remarkable events, with the most obvious being the election of the first African-American to the presidency. Unfortunately, there have been many low points in his administration. Among those would be the Affordable Care Act which appears to be on its last legs, the continuing scandals relating to Secretary of State Clinton, a disastrous immigration policy, and a foreign policy that has left the world a more dangerous place.
While it doesn’t compare with his failure to articulate or pursue a coherent policy toward North Korea, he seems intent on breaking with tradition or otherwise trying to make his successor’s life miserable. Recall that at one point he went so far as to threaten to refuse to recognize Mr. Trump as president if he won the election. Well, Mr. Trump is the president-elect, so Obama has to deal with it.
More on Mr. Obama’s plans for Donald Trump on page two.
Obama go$#%&!@*your Kenyan mother and Muslim father you$#%&!@*
He will not be able to sit back and see his legacy crumble before his eyes. The man is no GWB. I expected he would be outspoken and try to demean everything his successor does. Hell, in 4 weeks he”s already been outshined. Must be killing him.
The only real thing to do after being the worst President in U.S. history: be the worst former President in U.S. history.
Trump just needs to grab that$#%&!@*and whoop her pansy$#%&!@* Obozo take your forged birth certificate and get the$#%&!@*out of our Whitehouse
Oh surprise, surprise, surprise.
Thought he has been all along!
Obama stop now. You are done. Just get out of the way.
How un-American !!
Sore loser…WE are sick of you and all your liberal friends…go to Kenya , maybe they want you
And I will oppose Obummer now and forever. He is an anti-American scumbag$#%&!@*