Obama has blocked the re-importation of the historic WWII-era, M1 Garand rifles from South Korea – causing a Vermont gun importer, Century International Arms, to lay off 41 employees.
Century Arms stated they had secured all necessary permits and was about to start importing a large number of these rifles when the deal was blocked by the White House.
The Obama admin didn’t respond to requests for comments, although last summer they did state they would start blocking the importation of surplus military weapons to reduce gun violence.
FAIRFAX, Vt. — The White House isn’t responding to claims from a Vermont gun importer that it is to blame for blocking a permit that would have allowed it to re-import a number of historic America-made firearms from South Korea.
Century International Arms, of Fairfax, says the White House’s blocking the deal led to its laying off 41 employees.
While the White House didn’t respond to requests for comment Friday, last summer it issued a release saying it was blocking the re-importation of surplus military weapons as a way to reduce gun violence.
Century Arms said Thursday it had been planning on importing a large number of vintage WWII-era, M1 Garand rifles from South Korea and it had all the permits to do so until the White House intervened and blocked the deal.
Cause as we know, drug dealers prefer the M-1 Garand in doing drive by’s. Right?
obama is such an $#%&!@* he’s always trying to tear apart this country,why don’t someone shoot this $#%&!@*
I would love to have one of the M1 Garands. Best rifle I ever fired and handled in the army.
congress do your job and inpeach obamawe the people demandaction
The communist wants to disarm America!
I wonder how many crimes have been committed with an M-1 Garand in the last 100 years? Yeah, real popular with the cartels and street gangs.
Obama’s goal is to destroy America from with in…he needs to be stopped and jailed along with his whole staff of unconstitutional morons.
He is good for America how?
he did this in his first term
Can he be out of our lives already!! He has done more damage to our country than the past presidents ever did in eight years our children’s great grand children will still be paying for this mess