America’s closest Arab allies are accusing Obama of not being serious in fighting ISIS after the administration recently blocked plans to fight the terrorist organization.
Obama and David Cameron are both accused of failing to show strategic leadership to handle what is the gravest security crisis our world has seen for decades.
Impeach this traitor now.
Isis are the seals of . When you think of it this way, then you’ll understand.
This is true and absolutely outrageous
Isn’t obamas brother an isis member?
Has anyone ever noticed that ISIS only attacks Muslim countries? They NEVER hit ANY Isreali buildings, camps, cities. ISIS has been linked to the ISREALI secret services by some. Is it possible they are a fraud, a false flag designed to create histeria and give cause for more blood shed. They have links to the US CIA. They have officers that are linked to the Isreali Army. We’re being bull$#%&!@*ted poeople and our “leaders” are baiting us for the slaughter. Jade Helm 15 will turn into another false flag attack in one way or another on the US. I expect something big is comming our way soon. Maybe even tomorrow.
he needs to be impeached for treason then any threat against our country is a threat and he is obgligated to defend our rights and protect our country
He opened our borders for ISIS to get in. Be ever vigilant!
that would be because he is funding and making sure they get top of the line weapons,so if i were the “coalition i would stop the arms b/4 they got to bagdad and give them to the kurds,and tell obama to get out.obama and iran are big buddies,he has mas=de sure they have the bomb and the means to deliver it while keeping the arabs busy with isis,this is the most evil man on the planet,he means to rule the world
Remember he is part of ISIS
If you want to succeed in this war, don’t even let Obama know what your plans are.