America’s closest Arab allies are accusing Obama of not being serious in fighting ISIS after the administration recently blocked plans to fight the terrorist organization.
Obama and David Cameron are both accused of failing to show strategic leadership to handle what is the gravest security crisis our world has seen for decades.
Obama is on ISIS side he trying to get us all kill PLEASE wake up AMERICA !!
What do you expect from the first Muslim Terrorist President?
Ovomit is in cahoots with Isis
and he still in office, why???????
IMPEACH OBAMA NOW ………………………………………………..
He is the biggest enemy of peace in the world.
Obama must be removed from office before it’s too late.
if i were your government i would encourage the world to stop all supplies to these foreign country`s totally i would pull out all our army back home and leave all those foreigner`s to fight themselves till they have no more ammo left and leave them to rot ,until they beg for mercy cause they are enjoying this bloody war we the world are feeding them their encouragement and until we stop giving fire arms then this bloody war will never end ,….
Oblahma has divided the Middle East just like he is trying to divide the American people…..get him OUT !!!!!!!
• He will destroy all relationships with our allies, Congress does nothing to stop him so I have to ask just how much does Congress like ISIS and are really Muslim