America’s closest Arab allies are accusing Obama of not being serious in fighting ISIS after the administration recently blocked plans to fight the terrorist organization.
Obama and David Cameron are both accused of failing to show strategic leadership to handle what is the gravest security crisis our world has seen for decades.
hes in with isis and is giving them weapens ,
He’s not going to fight his buddies .Oh please inpeach him
I beg to differ. He is not a closet muslim, He has come out and is in full view of America and the rest of the Free World.
Do’nt you love this this clown! Get your fill you welfare bums.
What is his reasoning behind this move. Someone please tell me. I can $#%&!@*ure you Iran has something to do with this.
That’s par for a man that supports ISIS. When is the people in this country going to get it that OBAMA hates all of us Americans. And he will do all he can to destroy this country and all you people that love him. Obama is a snake InThe White House. A Islamic snake that is. Obama is the preempt to the ANTI CHRIST he will end the world as we know it. Obama needs to be shut down now by this country or its over and there want be a second ending people. God help us and save us God silence him take away his means of communication. And stop his attack on all people.
Why does the Middle East have to get his approval. He’s not president of the world.
Here is what i think is going on. If Obama allows Iran to get Nukes they will fight ISIS in return. My opinion only.
POS POTUS isis terrorist SOB!