America’s closest Arab allies are accusing Obama of not being serious in fighting ISIS after the administration recently blocked plans to fight the terrorist organization.
Obama and David Cameron are both accused of failing to show strategic leadership to handle what is the gravest security crisis our world has seen for decades.
Good god america! Put a stop to muslim imigrants period! End this nightmare that will happen when these droves of ISIS followers enter our country. We cannot wait till obama steps down. It may already be to late…..
and things are beginning to make sense. it occurs to me that his actions are the actions of someone who is here to take down the US while isis overruns Europe?
So what else is new????????
that is what a warmed up $#%&!@* sucker looks like
I SWEAR he MUST be campaigning for Vice Caliph!
Well this ought to tell the rest of the federal government that Barack Obama truly supports terrorism not only oversees but here in are own country ! I say Treason against the American people of the United States of America.
He has to be paid off..
And this is a surprise?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you expect from a Muslim.