America’s closest Arab allies are accusing Obama of not being serious in fighting ISIS after the administration recently blocked plans to fight the terrorist organization.
Obama and David Cameron are both accused of failing to show strategic leadership to handle what is the gravest security crisis our world has seen for decades.
The Traitor Gets his way &
Makes things worse or throws a tantrum. Remove Him Now So Americans Can Fix This Mess.! He helps our enemies & turns his back on our Allies.
He differently has an agenda
YES, even our Arab allies KNOW obama is part of the muslim brotherhood who SUPPORTS isis. He even alerts isis of military strikes BEFORE they take place. Our own Military KNOW this is true but they refuse to implement a Military Coup to OUTS this ENEMY of America.
Arrest Obama for treason.
What? Let’s give them more jobs and money??
Obama is funding ISIS with our tax dollars!!
The trader doesn’t want people killing his buddies
That’s his family
We need to artest Obama for treasen! Some thing tells me he may be apart of them