America’s closest Arab allies are accusing Obama of not being serious in fighting ISIS after the administration recently blocked plans to fight the terrorist organization.
Obama and David Cameron are both accused of failing to show strategic leadership to handle what is the gravest security crisis our world has seen for decades.
Obama needs to be arrested for High Treason here as now hes getting people killed by his Terrorist Brothers. What the hell is it going to take peole before we demand his arrest and removal.. People these women and kids theyre killing could very easily be one of ours here and iits coming so we either stop Obama and ISIS or regret our do nothing at$#%&!@*ude later
Idiots ; They are HIS PEOPLE.
Incompetence comes to mind every time I see him
HE IS OUT OF HIS MIND , I tell you !
Napolitano did a video today on Fox that releases his new information of a scheme by Obama, Hillary and some from both sides of the House who approved of selling artillery that ended up in the hands of those who attacked Benghazi. According to his report, they knew where it was going.
All of you who are in Hillary’s or Obama’s corner, had better check the stats on your favorite people. You’re digging yourselves in even deeper.
It would be best if there was an impeachment and imprisonment now, including all involved in his recent escapades.
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obama does everything he can to PROTECT HIS MUSLIM TERRORISTS FRIENDS AND DESTROY USA! Arrest, prosecute and execute this criminal!
Isis is cia cia is isis
This man needs to be replace and immediately.He is nothing but an illegal posing as an American and it is time to show him America will not put up with him and his lies anymore. Impeach, Deport, Imprison or whatever it takes to get rid of him.