America’s closest Arab allies are accusing Obama of not being serious in fighting ISIS after the administration recently blocked plans to fight the terrorist organization.
Obama and David Cameron are both accused of failing to show strategic leadership to handle what is the gravest security crisis our world has seen for decades.
What an evil,self obsorbed little man Omuzzie is…..I hope the allies we have left in that region,go for it and do what THEY need to do,to survive..He will do whatever he wants,if it means protecting his brothers…or in this case,he will do NOTHING,if it means protecting his muzzrat brothers…..such a disgrace to all who have fallen fighting ISIS….
Who is this Man?
He is one of them!
That’s why Obama told CIA and FBI that the terrorist training camps located throughout the US are no go zones. One of them being in Han$#%&!@* NY. NY has some very strict gun control laws, yet the camps are allowed to take delivery of fully automatic rifles, make IED’s, have surface to air missile weapons, ect. Had this been a law abiding citizen in NY, they would of been locked up and serving a lengthy term in prison.
Oh we know, some 5 star general said he’s leading the Muslim brotherhood
We need to stand up right now and remove this president for treasonous acts against the united states its faster than impeachment and he can be arrested on the spot and removed from office
Obliar ego at work!
May be to late
Obama is a disgrace,
Lock and load Americans, isis is coming to your home town!