Top Democrats still can’t seem to figure out why their party did so terribly this election, but it’s not that hard to figure out. The face of their party, Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate, and she dragged down the entire Democrat ballot.
This shouldn’t surprise many Democrats. In 2008, Clinton lost the Democrat primary despite entering the race with a 30 point advantage over Barack Obama. In 2016, her decline was even more dramatic. She entered the race with a 70 point advantage and still nearly lost.
Clinton’s lack of skill as a campaigner was probably enough to cost her party many seats in congress, but the fact that she was under criminal investigation by the FBI probably didn’t help. Not to mention Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation.
Still, Barack Obama thinks there is a different reason that Democrats did so poorly — and it has nothing to do with Clinton.
See what he blames for the Democrats’ losses on the next page:
because obama is a terrible president
I guess they don’t understand the message! We’re tired of you telling us! You work for us! And in 2 years you will loose more seats!
Did you notice the violence in the summer ,? The murders of policemen , the riots on the streets , ,,,; the bathrooms , the importing of possible terrorist . The open boders policy ,the removal of christ , the burning of the flag .TStopping military from praying In a war zone ! The blind eye to hillys criminal activity, the reckless behavior or the e mails , the lost of trillons of money , the over spending and nothing to show for it . The shovel ready jobs ! ,,did you see obawho do any thing ,niether did we!
When you put up a long time known criminal who should be under two federal investigations, did you really expect a win??
Since when was arrogant stupidity ‘geography?’
Blame you promises that did not materialize, idiot.
No, he has no hand in this whatsoever…..none.
We were sick of you and your party , does that help.
Even though the “Felt” HITLARY was going to win, she lost! The worst candidate democrats could have ever put up to run! It is not “her turn”! It is not “her right”! It is not “what she deserves”! It is not “because she’s the most qualified”! She LOST CAUSE SHEBIS CROOKED, LIAR, A CRIMINAL! And other evil things! She should NEVER HAVE BEEN THE CANDIDATE!
This wacko low intelligence quotient guy continue to blame other people except himself who is directly responsible for the loss of democrats in this election.