It looks like the remainder of the Obama administration is going to be a wild ride as he tries to incite the troops to mutiny, flood the nation with even more violent immigrants, issue odious executive orders, antagonize foreign nations, and just try to create as much trouble for Donald Trump to have to deal with as possible. In other words, just what we would expect.
So virulent is Mr. Obama’s hatred of anything approaching a traditional interpretation of the Second Amendment, and so intent is he on replacing Western culture in America with Islam and Sharia law, that he has taken to making absolutely outrageous and inflammatory remarks.
More on Obama’s attempts to wreak havoc in the United States in the waning days of his presidency is on page two.
Omg. Like pressure cookers and knives????
Notice he blames everyone and everything but himself.
High time we wake up and become Americans, put America First ! Corruption at its Best, drain the swamp and lock them all up in Gitmo. About time we save America, Now ! ! PUTIN REFUSES To Let In MUSLIM ‘REFUGEES’, Says MIDDLE EAST NEEDS To SOLVE IT’S OWN PROBLEMS, then why is Obama bent upon destroying our country, should he not be Impeached for Betrayal ? ? **–** Obama gave 170 Billions in hard cash over night as ransom to Iran for four hostages, to encourage even more hostages to be taken. **–** Should we not hold Obama accountable to letting hundreds of fighter training camps in America and looking the other way, Shame on you ! ! Should we not hold Obama accountable for running a arms operation in Benghazi and Hillary for not responding to 600 Emergency calls for Help, rescue team. **–** Should we not hold Pentagon accountable for wasteful 125 Billions in spending report, who stole the 125 Billions in kickbacks ? **–** Should we not hold Hillary accountable for 6 Billions in cash missing from State department while she was in charge ! **–** Should we not punish traitors like Eric Holder for giving thousands of guns to Mexican Drug Cartel ? **–** Should we not punish John Kerry for betraying America with Iran Nuclear Deal ? **–** Should we not punish Loretta Lynch for secretly meeting and cutting out a deal with Bill Clinton ? **–** Should we not Fire each and every Mayor and Governors for supporting Sanctuary Cities? **–** Is this not the right time to Drain the swamp and wipe the slate clean and start cutting our Government jobs by 40 % to payback our countries debt ! !…/
Muslims will not make good Americans.
I’ll blame the people doing the shooting, stabbing, bombing and running people down with cars. They have used them all.
He knows it is “Is” Is ! First hand
My favorite part of this article:
“Just keep it up, Mr. Obama. Patriotic Americans figured you out a long time ago. And apparently enough Americans saw a Hillary Clinton presidency as just a third Obama term — just with even more corruption added, if that’s imaginable — that they elected Donald Trump thereby sending Hillary into retirement and you into irrelevance. We await inauguration day with great eagerness.”
stupid fk.
Oh for crying out loud!!! What a STUPID statement!!!! He’s absolutely unbelievable. …..if we can’t BLAME people that ARE to blame, we have to put the blame on SOMETHING!!!! ABSOLUTE and TOTAL IGNORANCE!!!