In six months, the United States finally gets to put the Era of Obama behind her. During his tenure as President, Barack Obama continuously apologized for, demeaned, and ridiculed the country that he lead. The fundamental changes to America he sought were mostly rejected, but his anti-American rhetoric has endeured to the bitter end.
Last week, Mr. Obama criticized one of the most fundamental ideals of this country, the American Dream.
While millions have come to this country to seek work, work diligently, and have reaped the rewards of their accomplishments, Barack Obama thinks these people are just lucky. According to our outgoing president, those who have accomplished the American Dream didn’t get their by success alone. They didn’t get there because they worked hard. He implied that they got there because, among other things, they are white.
See the speech in which he made these remarks on the next page:
Dirt bag
Well he’s certainly been NOTHING, but LUCKY… and in his mind he’s a success. I’d say the world sees his failings.
Lucky. Tell Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Allen west, Mr Williams from Fox news and millions of other black men that they were ‘just Lucy’s. Really. So wrong. You Mr BHO are racist
F**k you muslim dog s**t
A lot of them steal from the American people to get rich, sounds like someone we all know
You putzs
Makes as much sense as “YOU DIDN’T BUILD THAT!!”. Rediculous!!