In his mostly blatant, race-baiting move yet, President Obama stated in an interview on Black Entertainment Television that racism is “deeply rooted” in America.
Yes, Obama helps racism flourish tonight on BET when he basically tells blacks across America that they are ubiquitously hated and will continue to be surrounded by hate for a long time.
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only bc this dumb$#%&!@*muslem racist is making it more so…
And spurred by the Pres.
does anyone remember the racist and anti-American sermons his preacher in Chicago spewed? He and his family attended for about 30 yrs. Notice those clips were quickly taken off the air. Do you notice how quickly he supports black law breakers and accuses the Police.
Not until he came to office.
Oscummer is the biggest racist of all
Obama took office. Racism took off.
If it is its because of your dumd$#%&!@*!!
It’s sure alive and well in Mr O.
Obama, really is trying to stir things up, so he can declare martial law. Race baiting, from both him and Hillary all week. No she is off getting more drugs, so she can get threw the debates. This race batting scares me. Hillary is blaming all white people, and cops.
Then leave!