In his mostly blatant, race-baiting move yet, President Obama stated in an interview on Black Entertainment Television that racism is “deeply rooted” in America.
Yes, Obama helps racism flourish tonight on BET when he basically tells blacks across America that they are ubiquitously hated and will continue to be surrounded by hate for a long time.
Move to the second page:
He is the biggest racist
Mr. President! Stop stirring up racial tensions in this country
This is so stupid coming out of your mouth. You are the sitting President for the greatest nation in the world. How could you be President if there is so much racism in this country. If there is racism you are the one who has stirred it up.
This clown has done more to create division among the races than slavery has ever done years ago.
You said it with the comments you made stating if African
Americans did not vote for Hillary. They would destroy your legacy. That is racism sir.
Obama is one of the biggest racist i have ever heard.
Agreed: black racism.
Obama is the one that stired up all the unrest & hate.He hasn’t done anything to help his own people!
Yeah and he is one of the biggest race baitors going. Before him rarely was there race out breaks and now its going all the time. That’s all he talks about racial tension. He is just another fraud soon to be kicked out of the white house and be remembered as the con of the century.