In his mostly blatant, race-baiting move yet, President Obama stated in an interview on Black Entertainment Television that racism is “deeply rooted” in America.
Yes, Obama helps racism flourish tonight on BET when he basically tells blacks across America that they are ubiquitously hated and will continue to be surrounded by hate for a long time.
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He’s the reason
Obama is the NUMBER ONE RACIST IN AMERICA. Obama has divided the country by Race and has set back race relations for decades.
He sees one every time he looks in the mirror, so I guess he’s an expert.
Yeah you$#%&!@* You entice it
It is now because of you!
NO in YOU!! YOU ARE THE NPROBLEM TO YOU RABBLE ROUSER!! you are a communist and your first s thing as preseident was; you divided the nation.THIS is as part of the marxist maos tse tung tactic to divide and conquer.Divide the Christians and t divide the jewish.
You helped damage it instead of helping to make better.
Your brand of it is now its all you fault and ophras too what kind of b******t are you people you dont deserve to even breathe the same air an real americans
Yes it is try being white and walking through a black neighborhood, if you’re not buying drugs or dropping your sister off, good luck getting out…
You have created the worst interracial reactions ever!