In his mostly blatant, race-baiting move yet, President Obama stated in an interview on Black Entertainment Television that racism is “deeply rooted” in America.
Yes, Obama helps racism flourish tonight on BET when he basically tells blacks across America that they are ubiquitously hated and will continue to be surrounded by hate for a long time.
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When are you going on WET. oh wait. There is none
Rooted in your sick mind
Wow thank you to all that voted for him the second time thank you now sit this one out
now it is after youe sorry ass
Thanks so much for your help on that one.
Mr Obama look at all the blacks who have successfully succeeded in life -sports -actors -singers -coaches -etc -and look at your success Mr President USA
And the oval office is the seed bed
Actually before he came into office there was little racism in America. It took preaching by him and his wife that crackers are what holds them back to light the fire.
I hate you for your failure not you skin col
Douche bag, warmonger, divisionist, race baiter