In his mostly blatant, race-baiting move yet, President Obama stated in an interview on Black Entertainment Television that racism is “deeply rooted” in America.
Yes, Obama helps racism flourish tonight on BET when he basically tells blacks across America that they are ubiquitously hated and will continue to be surrounded by hate for a long time.
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United in God we stand divieded we fall……
Obama is not the heart of it. What’s the heart of it is people the Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Luis Ferikan and the media. These guys and group feeds off of the Racism and stirs the pot up once a black on white crime happens. Obama is trying to unite the country and races.
yep, and mostly kept alive by you and other blacks who refuse to even acknowledge that whites fought and died to free you
He has kept it alive.
He is full of c**p. There WAS racism back in the day but not until this jackass took office and has fostered hate and anger. For a President, he has done more damage than good in the past 8 years.
Rooted in your head…wasn’t a problem until you brought it up!
Yes he hates whites that’s it we had no problem before he went in office
Obama has started all of the Racism in America
Thanks to you it is the worst it has been since the ’60s