Barack Obama can’t seem to contain himself when it comes to Donald Trump. Even in the most inappropriate settings, it seems our president would rather riff on the policies of the presumptive Republican nominee than focus on his own accomplishments in the White House.
Then again, considering those “accomplishments” are few and far between, maybe Mr. Obama simply finds it easier to attack others than defend his own pitiful record as president.
The latest example of Trump bashing came during Obama’s commencement speech at Rutgers University. Obama rebuked everything from Mr. Trump’s call for greater border security to his policies regarding alien Muslims. How this relates to the betterment of the students to which the president was speaking isn’t entirely clear, but since when did Obama need a legitimate excuse to bash Trump?
To see the anti-Trump quotes from the president’s commencement speech, continue reading on the next page:
Didn’t he raise the fence height at the White House?…
Listen to 0 kids you’re grandchildren will be happy Muslims or slaughtered Christians.
Well “President Beelzebub” doesn’t seem to be “bashing” or even talking about the border wall he’s building for TUNUSIA with OUR TAX DOLLARS !!! IMPEACH THE PSYCHO !!!
You are wrong since you took office and you are still wrong
What a Fucking Moron!!!!!
I’d say pretty damn Stupid!! They elected him twice!! Unfortunately, there are those who would vote for him again.
Obama can’t say enough about Trump!! Guess he knows all his so called legacy bs will hit the fan when Trump is President!! He is trying so hard to destroy Amerca and the easiest way is to have open borders. He is a pathetic narcissist pathological liar!!! #Trump all the way to the White!!
Right now we are paying the global tab for global interconnectivity. Enough is too much already.