Barack Obama can’t seem to contain himself when it comes to Donald Trump. Even in the most inappropriate settings, it seems our president would rather riff on the policies of the presumptive Republican nominee than focus on his own accomplishments in the White House.
Then again, considering those “accomplishments” are few and far between, maybe Mr. Obama simply finds it easier to attack others than defend his own pitiful record as president.
The latest example of Trump bashing came during Obama’s commencement speech at Rutgers University. Obama rebuked everything from Mr. Trump’s call for greater border security to his policies regarding alien Muslims. How this relates to the betterment of the students to which the president was speaking isn’t entirely clear, but since when did Obama need a legitimate excuse to bash Trump?
To see the anti-Trump quotes from the president’s commencement speech, continue reading on the next page:
BO is a Worthless POS !!
how does he know he’s not an American? he underestimates us… he thinks we are weak… he thinks he is smart… he forgets who built this country… spoiled brat ! bet he didnt pay for his college education… or moochelle either! trash both of them !
Lets tell it like it is, democrats favor increased immigration and refugees not out of any humanitarian concern but to bolster their voter base while republicans are looking for cheap labor to benefit their big business handlers!!! Trump speaks of radical terrorists and national security while Obumbler denies there’s any terrorist problem at all. Barry talks of global interconnectivity but he means big business not people. The third world is too busy trying to survive day to day to consider global issues. Trump is only one who sees the forest for the trees, reality and reason not PC and liberal idealism!! Sure he has his faults but compared to Hillary and Sanders he’s the only one with a clear vision of our problems, whether he can accomplish what he proposes remains to be seen.
A sad disgrace. Here, the graduating students have the sitting President come to their commencement to give the address; probably the most prestigious honor they will ever have in their lives. And what does the President talk about? Does he motivate them, give them vast words of wisdom, or profound advice and encouragement for the future? No, he chides them, and then trashes a potential future Presidential candidate. What a petty, sad little man Obama is. After working so hard for their degree, I am sorry for the students who had to end their college journey on such a small-minded, selfish note as imposed on them by Obama.
Obama urged the class of 2016 to be wary of hawkish immigration policies like those championed by Trump, insisting that working together with other nations was the only way to ensure that the United States can become stronger as a nation.”
Instead of competing with 300 million Americans for jobs you’ll be competing with 7 billion. You all will end up working for a dollar a hour. What good is your college education when it can be under cut by a foreigner who will work for half as much. Democrats are for illegal aliens, open borders and a North American Union.
Could it be that he just has nothing tangible he can speak of from his time in the White House. Could it be simply saying that besides being the first black President, he has been a failure is too honest….
You stupid$#%&!@*you caused the problems our country has.
Retart)))))$#%&!@*hole loser
Consider the source!
Mexico has one, what an$#%&!@*
Obama do you know the difference between an apple and a orange