As events develop surrounding the Russian invasion of Ukraine, President Obama appears bewildered. Russian President Vladimir Putin sparked what is the strongest tension between western nations and Moscow since the cold war when he declared he had the right to invade. The situation is not far off Sarah Palin’s 2008 predictions of possible consequences of electing Obama to the presidency.
President Barack Obama is a little dazed and confused. It took US President Barack Obama 90 minutes of intense dialogue with the Russian President Vladimir Putin to grasp that Putin is unshakably fixed on the course he has set for Ukraine and has no intention of withdrawing the Russian troops he has positioned in the Crimean peninsula.In fact, behind the diplomatic verbiage, Russian President Putin was clearly on the offensive. He let it be understood that unless the US and Europe rid Kiev of the “fascist gangs,” which had taken over, Moscow would move forces into additional parts of Ukraine to uphold its interests and “protect the Russian citizens and compatriots living there” for as long as the interim regime remained in Kiev.
After all, Putin did stand alone at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Winter Games – unattended by a single Western leader. After that experience, he is not afraid to stand alone on Ukraine as well, regardless of US and EU efforts to force him to abandon what he views as an imminent strategic threat on Russia’s doorstep.
Source: BIN
We need no more wars. Maybe Putin will stall until, Obama gives him the b.j. he said, he would when Putin, was at the W.H. lol
Intestinal fortitude? What’s that?” I will fight you with my 9 iron!”
Guess Obama is shocked Putin is immune to his charm..
putin has obama in the palm of his hand…he knows we will not do anything…just like with iran as they have advanced their nuke weapons under obama..bottom line we are cutting back and other countries are building more weapons and ready to take over other nations…obama wants to talk about it,spineless jellyfish will get smished…guess what it’s now a reality Russia is occupying Ukraine…does iran have the nuke?? i would bet the two nations will work together against us…because they don’t like us!!!pretty simple…we need tough leadership, now!!!! its not Ok to occupy another soverigon excuses allow this…
Typical. Skipping critical meetings ? Mr. “Above it all ” is WAY out of his league.
Better yet, what is Valeri Jarrett planning ??
USA has become a paper tiger thanks to Obozo!
The man is totally clueless…totally!
The man is totally clueless…totally!