As events develop surrounding the Russian invasion of Ukraine, President Obama appears bewildered. Russian President Vladimir Putin sparked what is the strongest tension between western nations and Moscow since the cold war when he declared he had the right to invade. The situation is not far off Sarah Palin’s 2008 predictions of possible consequences of electing Obama to the presidency.
President Barack Obama is a little dazed and confused. It took US President Barack Obama 90 minutes of intense dialogue with the Russian President Vladimir Putin to grasp that Putin is unshakably fixed on the course he has set for Ukraine and has no intention of withdrawing the Russian troops he has positioned in the Crimean peninsula.
In fact, behind the diplomatic verbiage, Russian President Putin was clearly on the offensive. He let it be understood that unless the US and Europe rid Kiev of the “fascist gangs,” which had taken over, Moscow would move forces into additional parts of Ukraine to uphold its interests and “protect the Russian citizens and compatriots living there” for as long as the interim regime remained in Kiev.
After all, Putin did stand alone at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Winter Games – unattended by a single Western leader. After that experience, he is not afraid to stand alone on Ukraine as well, regardless of US and EU efforts to force him to abandon what he views as an imminent strategic threat on Russia’s doorstep.
Source: BIN
putin id a smart men …then we got the $#%&!@*..better be careful..cannot trust Pputin…….
I didn’t know Obama could ride a bike…
He probably went and played golf in california.
Time to stand up for this country, before it’s too late.
obama is a traiterto the uinited states
Putin is a hand grenade with the pin pulled, Obama is bouncing it around like it was a basketball……
Donald, let’s do it the Obama way….cut the defense budget to pre WW11 levels while all your adversaries are using state of the art ,up to date systems and not worrying about what entitlements to give to illegal invaders….sounds like you want to just give up!
Alan you are a fount of misinformation. the DOD budget is NOT being cut to Pre WW2 levels. I wish it was but it is not. With the cuts we will drop from spending 47 percent of what the world spends on arms to 42 percent of what the world spends on arms. We will spend more STILL then the next 10 countries combined…and that includes Russia.
we spend so much because our weapons cost to much. we are building an LCS that is the size of a WW2 Destroyer escort for MORE money then the Japanese are building a helicopter destroyer that is the size of a WW2 heavy cruiser.
Dont let your ignorance get int he way of facts but it is people like you who bought all the lies about Iraq and got us into the mess we are in. RGO
why is Obozo wearing a helmut, there is nothing in there to protect.
Not that I care for the Russian government… but Putin is a force to be admired. He is showing tough leadership. He is the last tough leader out there. Everyone else seems to be concerned with P.C. political correctness and buckling under for immigrated non white, non Christian, and non indigenous people. RUSSIA HAS NO BLACK PROBLEMS.