Always finding new ways of meddling in your private life, President Obama announced another new executive order authorizing federal agencies to conduct behavioral experiments on U.S. citizens to advance government initiatives.
That means you!
Find out what you just volunteered for on the next page:
Guinea pig there is him he’s been the ultimate guinea pig for the Islamic countries he’s been quite the puppetmaster
Yeah Bill I guess you’re one of the stupid American people that really believe Obama hasn’t done anything bad to this country keep your head in the sand because that’s where it’s been.
Watch this video they’re trying to ban this video so pass it on.
Watch this video Jack they’re trying to ban it so pass it on once you see it unbelievable disgusting you’ll definitely find interesting.
Impeach Obama
This man is a maniac
Phillip D. Miller The Military and Congress needs to get the enemy out of the Whitehouse, plus his cabinet, who are also Islamic Muslim. The people of the U.S. voted a non-American, Islamic Muslim into the Whitehouse who is now bringing the other Islamic Muslim enemies into the U.S. to take over. That has been their plan since 2008, and before. Why do you think he has been putting Islamic Muslims into top key positions in his Cabinet? Also, why do you think Obama has been trying so hard to take the guns away from the American people? So he and his Islamic Terrorists, ISIS, can easily take the U.S. without much of a fight. He needs to be taken out before he fully implements his final plan, which is very, very soon. Believe me, it is coming. Also, when Obama was a Senator he submitted a Bill in Congress that requires all American Citizens must convert to Muslim. It’s there… Wake up people because he is the enemy in the Whitehouse. Quit going on the assumption that he is somehow screwing up because he doesn’t know what he is doing, he does know what he is doing, he is setting up a Islamic Muslim takeover. He is one of them, and he is their key person to take over our Country. If our Congress and Military wait long enough, you’ll see this is true… You don’t believe me, as President George Bush’s last U.S. District Attorney, when he was in office, I’m sure he will probably tell you.
more big brother